‘Lovesource’ XerXa
of love
falling down
rising up
to a circle
to fullfill and
With the installation Love source I give an art form to the source of our existance which is love..
The origin of energy starts and ends with yourself without giving an opinion and is an unendless giving such as life itself.
It is the fall into subconscious to the enlightened consciousness. The installation sculpture stands in the water, film is projected onto her and one hears a poetical sound scape. One can sit on both knees on the catholic confession chair and can see the reflection of the film in the water.
Maria as the source of the female energy, the receiver and the giving birth to the creative process. Her element is water, her colour is blue /green.. She is the old goddess of the matriachaat. In a lot of sources we find the old pagan goddess back in the form of the Catholic Maria worship. Fresh water sources in Europe and all over the world are connected to the female sacred life bringing, without water life and we too can not exist. Actually we are made of 70 % water ourselves.
She represents the female energy from which we are born, both as humans as the world itself. Sprung from the waters, life slowly started to evolve.
The sculpture Maria which is made for the installation ‘lovesource’ is based on the Sheela-na gigs from the Celtic areas: Ierland, Schotland, Wales. This female goddess spreads her female parts wide open. She has been placed at the entrance of the tempels and later above the door in the pre roman churches. People who entered the holy place touched the sculpture just like people in the Catholic Church touch the water bowl with holy water which is placed also at the entrance. This sacred female place makes direct contact with the female energetic psychological counterpart of all human beings. This opens the soul to go within, just like in meditation, and heal yourself.
Sheela na gig, Ireland
The sound you hear is formed by:
A small part of the story of Dante, the Divina commedia-l’inferno’, the love story of Paolo en Franscesa, 2 lovers who couldn’t be together because Francesca was married to the brute brother of Paolo. They were killed by him when he found out about their 10 year love affair. They were doomed to the second layer of hell ( inferno ), where the passionate are placed to be forever sucked in the blowing winds of passion and lust.
Dante is so touched by the story when he meets them in hell, it reminds him of his love for Beatrice, that he faints of emotion.
It is receited beautifully by door Roberto Benigni, who knows the whole book by heart.
The story of the Zamzam source in Mekka, which is said to be healing water and which lies next to the ka’aba stone, where the moslim people walk around and finally touch and if possible kiss the stone. The resemblance of the sheela na gig and catholic water bowl is beautiful. The Zamzam water source came to existence after the woman Haadjer saved herself and her son Ismail from dying by lack of water by digging into the desert sand where she tapped into the source. She had been left in the desert by her man Abraham.
Another version of the story tells about the angel Djibriel who openend the source by touching the sand with his heel, and that he visited Mohammed when he was a young boy. Djibriel opened the chest of the boy, took the heart out and washed it placed in a golden bowl, in the ZamZam water, after which he put the cleansed heart of Djibriel back again.

بئر زمزم في الحرم المكي
The sound of the big bang, which was coincidentally picked up by 2 radiologists in the desert of north Amerika during their research. An irritating low tone kept on coming through and they wanted to get rid of it. They tried everything, climbed on the roof the take the dove shit off the antenna, but nothing worked.. it turned out to be the frequency of the beginning of the universe, the Big Bang..
Dante ‘ Divina Commedia’ by Roberto Benigni Calexico ‘inspiration’ Mahatria ’feeling the presence’ Arabian childrens song about the ZamZam source Sound of the Big Bang: the begin explosion of the universe
Thanks to:
Gijs ‘Kruithuisje’
Dierenwinkel Jan Ooievaar
The first version of the love source was made with a sculpture of the fallen angel ’Lucifero’, the light bringer and the morningstar Venus, the most clear star in the morning in our sky.
Phaeton of Icarus, the half god, who wanted to steer the sun wagon, just like his father Helios and in his enthousiam came too close to the sun, so his wings of beeswax melted and he plunged to the earth. One wing is stil in the air , the other spreads out to the ground and creates the water source. Water and mirrors form the source, and by the movement of the water the image reflects on the fallen angel and her wing.