Wishful waves

wishful waves in reflection
Art installation about wishes and the waves it creates. Make a wish and let it come true.
wishful waves teaser from Judith van Lunsen on Vimeo.
Wishful waves is about diving under water in the world of the unconsious, the dreads and the Zen state of mind. It is the power and intention of the wish and the fulfillment of it. We are here on earth to be happy and free of mind and spirit…and to make our dreams become reality. One creates one’s own reality and so the personal wishes can come true. The way of the Tao, the ancient Chinese philosophy to transform the subconscious mind into consciousness, and the starting point are the wishful thoughts.
Make your wishes wisely, precise and with the right intention. Remember King Midas who wished that everything he touched would change into gold. In his greed he forgot about food and drinking. He died as the richest but also the most hungry man on earth.
The Ocean has the same salt and mineral content as the water in which a foetus drifts for 9 months before being born. It is the warm motherly womb, the warmth and the dreams in which we return when we enter the conscious state of mind. Zen, awake and here and now.
We are all connected with the Ocean, and in the middle is the wishful wave..
The sound of Whales and Sirens lure you into the dark blue depths with their songs. By means of meditation and alert clarity, being in the moment itself, we can reunite again with the power of our existence.
Make a wish…and throw it in the wave as a symbol of awakening..The installation Wishful waves will be filled with everyone’s wishes and make one big yearning..It is the energy of thought and intention that makes life come true..
Whale songs recorded by the BBC 639 hz raise positive Energy -Marimba meditation music
In the old chocolate factory where the Wishful Waves installation was exhibited it was developed in different stages. First as 3 hanging sails as an extension of the sails of the ship of fools, and then it transformed into 3 embryonical cords. The film was projected onto the sculpture of the wave.
3 heads of Poseidon, Poseida and Poseidi the sea gods, smiling.
Ships of fools
The possibility, grotesqueness and the craziness of existence: everything is interwoven in opposition. A Ship of alabaster with led sails, a raw Ship of marble with an old zinc slab full of holes. A Ship of old copper of a heater, and the flag Ship: standing on 3 welded legs, made of alabaster and crowned with a brass spiral as sail. Led by contrast you can define what you really want and wish for.
Ship 3 alabaster & led
Wishing temple.
Next to the wishful wave installation the small contemplation temple is situated as it used to be placed since antiquity. In honor of Poseidon and Poseida, the god and goddess of the sea. Like in many temples it is possible to concentrate and or to meditate. Here you can contemplate your most wanted wish. A film is projected on a sea spirit, or in other words the spirit of the wave. To ease the mood and stimulate the inward experience, the under water images of seaweed slowly moving in the sea stream and reflections of sun waves on the sea floor caress the sculpture.