New Exhibition ‘Animalesque’ in tha Banque Plein 29 Bergen.
the human dressed as an animal dressed as a human.. beastly and innocently we are awoken, …what oh she replied..
Godelieve Smulders sculptures www.godelievesmulders.com Peter Smit paintings www.petersmit.com Tamara Tantico paintings www.tamaratantico.nl Liesbet Tol paintings www.liesbettol.nl Anita Levering installation paintings www.levering.co.nz
Pauline Bakker – Paintings, 3 d www.paulinebakker.nl Denise Kamp- drawings, installation http://www.denisekamp.nl Marianne Berenschot clay #Marianne Berenschot en/of Kan & Kruik pottery Ell Geeh- photography https://www.facebook.com/kleintje.kunst.7 Eleonora Stol- paintings litho http://eleonorastol.com Victor de Boo- graphic art https://boographicart.com Erik Tierolf- paintings http://eriktierolf.com Robert Vorstman- paintings http://robertvorstman.com Carla Herman- art jewellery Ping An Brouwers- art jewellery De Hofgalerie-modern art http://dehofgalerie.nl Elly Stolwijk- installations http://www.ellystolwijk.nl Xerxa- sculptures, installations http://www.xerxa.nl