‘One can see how highly intelligent a species is by looking at the way all other life and it’s own is treated’ – free interpretation from Gandhi
Mythological creatures, half human- half animal, represent the different aspects of human characteristics told in ancient myths all over the world.
Selkie_ Sea nymph seal changing into a woman – Alabaster
Mermaid _fish tail and upper part woman
Representing Prophecy and goddess of the sea ( Korean Sinjike) – Green Serpentine
Siren_ bird body, head of a woman
Representing the searchers for Persephone by Demeter,the earth goddess- Kissii stone
Snake goddess__found in all myths around the world from Minoan to the hindu Naga
Representing transformation, healing, rebirth – Portugese Marble
Thetis- goddess of the sea, part woman emerging out of the seashell -Carrara Marble
Representing the origin of life rooted in the sea.
The blending of human forms together with the animal forms is a beautiful way to express our connection with all life that surrounds us. We are part of it and should behave as such with respect and loving care.