Opening Enlightened Beasts Saturday 18 January 1700 -1900 pm

Animal souls spreading in the night, and so the light appeared..crystal clear!
Welcome… Saturday 18 january from 1700 until 1900 pm the opening of the Art exposition ‘Enlightened Beasts’ in Tha Banque Plein 29 Bergen.
Beautiful clear music from composer/ pianist Corinne Moerbeek at 1730!
28 light bringing artists on 3 floors..
Bart Ensing
Lubbo de Graaf
Ed Hartland
Eleonora Stol Victor de Boo
Erik Tierolf Keepitfreshprojects (6 artists)
Annette Visser Carla Herman
Ping An Brouwers De Hofgalerie (8 artists)
Roland de Jong Orlando Popke Bakker
Xerxa Bergen Wol
Art Gallery Tha Banque/ Atelier Xerxa Plein 29 1861 JX Bergen. w
Open Thursday- Sunday 1300-1730